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"TO combat the violence against women"

In 1999, the sisters of SYZ formally adopted our National Philanthropy, to Combat Violence Against Women. Among the first Asian Interest sorority to take on this very worthwhile cause, SYZ hopes to bring awareness to our universities and communities at large of this issue. Sigma sisters have built a campaign to help those affected by this tragic violence, to educate the community about the nature of this problem, and to empower our sisters to make a lasting commitment to the issue of violence against women.

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Our sorority combats domestic violence in its varied forms. This includes, but not limited to the following: rape, incest, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, exploitation, human trafficking, abuse of migrant workers, sexual harassment, child abuse, and spouse abuse. Any kind of of physical, emotional or mental duress constitutes as violence.


Sigma Psi Zeta is the only National APIA Panhellenic Association (NAPA) organization to partner with the It's On Us campaign to raise awareness for sexual assault on college campuses. SYZ national board members have been invited to the White House on numerous occasions to discuss the issue. 

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In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Alpha Epsilon Charter here at U of I hosts Step Out Showcase in Spring semester every year. Along with the event, we encouraged members of the greek community to compete in our step competition segment to win a $100 donation to their chosen charity. All donations from the event were donated to our local women's shelter, Courage Connections.

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